sabato 14 settembre 2019

Taxiphyllum woods

Taxiphyllum woods

20 Liters

Title: Taxiphyllum woods

Day of start: 8 September 2019

Day of planting:  11 September 2019

Tank: TETRA AQUA-ART 20 Lt. (closed)

Volume: 34*24*24 (cm)

Light: 1 neon T5 8w ARCADIA FreshWater

Filter: NEWA FIL 50 (internal)

CO2 system: ISTA disposable supply set 95g

Soil: E'QUO VigorPlus + E'QUO TerraBruna + decorative sand sugar size

Rocks: ADA Seiryu Stone + natural river gravel

Woods: BlueBios "JATI"

Fertilizers: E'QUO Florido ABC

Other products: E'QUO NutroBact, E'QUO Bacterya, E'QUO Bio-Alganex

Plants: Hemianthus glomeratus, Cryptocoryne wendtii 'brown', Lomariopsis cf. lineata, Lobelia cardinalis 'mini', Monosolenium tenerum, Ludwigia palustris, Limnophila sessiliflora, Bolbitis heudelotii, Taxiphyllum barbieri

Animals: currently none (only some small snails)

day of start

day of planting

3rd day after planting

9th day after planting

13th day after planting

16th day after planting

21th day after planting

25th day after planting - First trimming

27th day after planting - Put in 17 Boraras naevus (temporary situation for work in the other aquarium)

37th day after planting

43th day after planting

49th day after planting

63th day after planting

85th day after planting

119th day after planting

194th day after planting

229th day

to be continued...

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